lContinue = true if(!database.connected()) { write("Could not connect to the database.") lContinue = false } if (lContinue) { qo = unescape("%22") groupname = "" description = "" commissioner = "" comments = "" password1 = "" password2 = "" cRoutine = "ADD" if (request.groupname != "") { } writeln("
") writeln("

Add League Form

") writeln("
") writeln("
") writeln("") writeln("") writeln("
") write("List Leagues
") write("Home Page
") writeln("
") writeln("
") write("
") write("
") write("") Inputtableln("League Name","RIGHT","TEXT","groupname","20",groupname) Inputtableln("Description","RIGHT","TEXT","description","40",description) Inputtableln("Commissioner","RIGHT","TEXT","commissioner","40",commissioner) writeln("") writeln(" ") //Inputtableln("Your Password","RIGHT","PASSWORD","password1","6",password1) //Inputtableln("Confirm","RIGHT","PASSWORD","password2","6",password2) writeln("") writeln("") writeln("") write("
Your PasswordConfirm
Comments from the commissioner regarding this league
") } writeln("

") if (request.msg) { writeln("


") }