I Hate Lyndon league
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League Name:I Hate Lyndon
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Below is list of players in this league.
AliasLast NameID
KevKatt Hill 0003191
CLAM SPEER 0003194
Van AGIORITIS 0003195
Marcus Johnson 0003196
Unc Quandt 0003197
Floyd WARNER 0003215
Lil Buddy Ulmer 0003225
bob sagat cook 0003581
"Good" Kevin McDowell 0003625
The Zeus Chan 0003629
LARGE AND IN CHARGE Kravinchuk 0003640
Big Mac COCKRALL 0003643
Lucky Speer 0003660
The Mauler Muldrew 0003874
42 Schoeppe 0003917
iron mike blue eyes 0003918